My word is my bond update

As you probably know, i got my copy of My Word Is My Bond yesterday. I only have one thing to say about the book so far; WOW! It is just amazing. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that Roger Moore is funny guy. He delivers the story in a way that makes it a breeze to read.

I have just finished reading chapter eight. That means that i have six or eight chapters left, depending on what you call a chapter. My Word Is My Bond is chopped up in 14 regular chapters and there is two more after that, one of them covers his UNICEF work.

I'll try to keep this short so that i can get back to reading. With the current reading pace I think I will be done tomorrow. As soon as I have closed My Word Is My Bond, I will start writing the review. I hope it will be sometime tomorrow.

OK. What have My Word Is My Bond given me this far? It has given me an insight into one of the greatest actors alive. Not only is he a great actor, he also seems to be the gentleman he claims he is. Roger Moore impresses me in many ways in My Word Is My Bond, but the one thing that impresses me most is that he is so grateful for what he has achieved. He knows that he has been lucky and does not argue with it. In my own opinion I think he deserves to be a bit more egotistical, because not everyone is cut out for acting the he is.

My Word Is My Bond has this far taken me from the early years of Roger Moore's life to "The Persuader" days. The subscript to the first chapter tells a lot about how the book is written in a both funny and partly serious way; "I was an only child. You see, they achieved perfection the first time around."

The next chapter is going to be about the start of his Bond career. I'm really looking forward to it. I think I might just start now.

Check back tomorrow, there might be a review of My Word Is My Bond here...